Welcoming Oho’s new starters
07 Jun, 20215 mins
Nearly one year on from joining Oho Group, we catch up with two of our new hires from last summer – George Tuckwell and Poppy Collins – to find out how they’re finding life in recruitment and their partnership with technology’s greatest innovators so far.
Tell us about yourself. When did you join Oho Group, and what were you doing before?
George Tuckwell: I joined Oho group in October 2020. Before that I was in Hong Kong (where I’m from) enjoying myself after graduating from the University of Edinburgh.
Poppy Collins: I joined Oho back in October, before that I was completing a Law degree at The University of Birmingham.
Is this your first job in recruitment? If not, where else have you worked?
GT: This is my first job in recruitment, and I have been loving it so far!
PC: This is my first Job in recruitment, and it is very different to law (in a good way!).
What made you choose a career in recruitment?
GT: Admittedly recruitment wasn’t something I put much thought to early in my job search but having done some research it quickly became apparent that it was something that could be interesting. It seemed to tick a lot of my boxes; the ability to chat with clients, being able to work with new people every day and the opportunity to take ownership of your earnings.
PC: I liked the fact you are in control of your own success, you are not judged off years of experience or age, but personal performance. Also, I liked the fact you can positively impact other people’s lives by helping them secure dream roles and higher salaries giving your candidates a better quality of life.
What stood out about Oho Group?
GT: Oho group really stood out because of the culture. Having chatted with just a few people in the company during the interview process I knew that there was a close-knit bunch, which was something I wanted to be a part of.
PC: I really liked the culture, as well as the clear career progression.
What advice would you give anyone considering applying to Oho Group, or preparing to interview here?
GT: Firstly, definitely apply! In regards to interview prep, just being able to present yourself well and confidently will go a long way!
PC: I would tell them to apply for sure! When it comes to preparing to interview, I would say be confident and build good rapport with your interviewers.
How did you find the onboarding process, and first few weeks with the company?
GT: The training structure in place is great as it allows you to learn everything you need to know without having your hand held the whole way. You feel supported but you also get some free reign.
PC: The onboarding process was great and very smooth, you get straight into work which I loved whilst having a mentor to guild you through the process and answer any questions.
How have things gone since?
GT: They have gone great since. I was promoted recently and have enjoyed taking on the new responsibility.
PC: Things have gone really well, I love the team I’m working on (Digital), we are currently the highest billing in the business and of course are looking to maintain this. We are going to Iceland in a few weeks to celebrate our Q2, as well as all making the Miami trip this summer (so I definitely can’t complain!). Very excited to see what we can achieve in Q3!
What support and career progression are made available to you at Oho Group?
GT: Throughout your time you feel supported, whether you are a trainee or a team lead. Everyone just wants the best out of each other and are keen to help one and other out. In terms of career progression, there are clear pathways of progression and you can determine which route you take, whether that be to become a principal consultant or a team lead.
PC: When you join you are given a mentor to help you progress from trainee to consultant and plan your monthly goals to hit your personal targets. For me personally I have been constantly supported by my team lead Ash who has pushed me to improve and hit new goals. “Trained by the best to be better!” This support continues throughout your career and there are clear milestones to hit in order to move from trainee up to team leads.
Have you been in the office much, given the pandemic? If not, how has the company adapted to support you working from home?
GT: We have a strong office culture, so there has been an emphasis to make sure we are in the office as much as possible. When that was just not an option, we all adapted well to work from home with daily zoom meetings to make sure we are all on track.
PC: My team remained in the office the majority of the time, as we had two trainees on Digital it was important to remain in person as that’s how we learnt best.
What have been the main highlights for you since starting at Oho?
GT: Probably the Promotion dinner. Having been a long time coming for some, all those who had been promoted in the last 6 or so months were able to get out for a nice dinner and drinks to celebrate all their hard work. It was very fun!
PC: Considering I’ve been here less than a year there has already been quite a few, such as being promoted and winning trips to Iceland and Miami! However, I must also mention that winning ’Spinterview’ was insane! The person with the highest interviews each week gets to spin the Roulette Wheel in the office and each week £20 is added- it had been going for over 2 years without anyone winning, meaning the prize pot was over £2k when I won (thanks Rog!).
Anything else you'd like to share?
GT: Here’s to 40% growth!
PC: As George said- Here's to 40% Growth!! 🍻