How We Live By Our Values To Encourage Employee Success
25 Sept, 20195 mins
Staff members need to feel supported and encouraged in order to work well and do their job successfully. To that end, we firmly believe that marking professional achievements is vital for motivating employees, increasing focus and bolstering productivity. This all culminates in a happy workforce which is committed to achieving your strategic business goals.
As well as the financial benefits provided by a driven team of employees, there are huge reputational advantages to having satisfied staff members. By way of example, your clients will place more faith in your business offering if you have an engaged and loyal workforce.
Often, managers go down the financial route and offer an increased salary or bonus. While this can prove an effective strategy, not all employees will be motivated exclusively by money. Offering a range of benefits, including once-in-a-lifetime experiences, will go a long way towards making your employees feel valued.
This is precisely why we coined the term ‘Living the Values’, which is a monthly incentive for all of our consultants. Through this initiative, we offer colleagues at Oho the opportunity to recognise people across the business who have demonstrated and lived by our core employee values that month.
Our ‘Living the Values’ winners get half a day off and are treated to a Lunch Club, which provides the gateway to an amazing foodie experience - and a massive food coma. Our last Lunch Club was held in beautiful Paris, where we enjoyed a wonderful day out of the office, sipping on Champagne in the sun while overlooking the magnificent Eiffel Tower. It is fair to say the entire experience left us with a definite sense of joie de vivre. Previous Lunch Clubs have been hosted at London’s finest restaurants and our winners have free rein to decide where they wish to dine out.
We model this incentive around our values because we believe that they provide the building blocks to Oho’s value, culture and ethos. They are authentic and underpin how we operate and perform both internally and externally and across all facets of the business.
Our employee values are:
We are driven to succeed, no matter what the challenge. We are dedicated to our craft and are determined to be the very best that we can be.
Endlessly curious, we have the desire to fully understand everything which we are involved in. We are never afraid to ask questions as we want to continue to learn.
We are relentlessly thorough and approach every task methodically, not stopping until it is completed to the highest standard.
Socially intelligent
We are able to communicate and build relationships with people, no matter who they are. We are adept in building trust, regardless of a person’s background, skillset or seniority.
We are aware of our limitations and are determined to work on them. We are always seeking to improve upon our skillset, regardless of our seniority and experience.
We believe that taking steps to promote and celebrate our values results in an enthusiastic workforce and a more successful way of doing business.
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