5 Common Pitfalls When Applying to Tech Jobs—And How to Overcome Them

5 mins

In the fast-paced world of technology, securing a job can be a daunting task. At Oho, we encounter countless talented candidates who inadvertently sabotage their job search due to avoidable mistakes. It’s not just about what you know; it’s also about how you approach your job search. Here are five common pitfalls our consultants see—and how they recommend you avoid them to land your dream tech role:

1. Applying with a Generic, Poorly Structured CV 👎

One of the biggest mistakes candidates make is sending out a generic CV that doesn’t effectively showcase their skills and experience. A poorly structured CV can make you seem unprofessional and disinterested.

How to Overcome This: 👍

Tailor your CV to the specific roles you are applying for. Use a clean, professional format and structure your experience in chronological order. Highlight relevant skills and accomplishments that directly align with the job description. This tailored approach not only demonstrates your interest in the position but also allows hiring managers to quickly see why you’re a fit.

Don't crowd your CV too much, 2 pages is plenty. If you want to go more into depth about some of your learning and areas you are going the extra mile in you can tailor a cover letter to go into more detail.

References: Have you got a reference from your former employers?  Especially those roles in tech - this can be an extra page to highlight what a difference you can make.  Ask your prior employers for a few kind words to help your application.

Click here to see a recommended Daniels CV template

2. Not Researching Companies Before Interviews 👎

Walking into an interview without understanding the company’s mission, culture and purpose can leave a negative impression. Employers want to see that you are genuinely interested in their organisation.

How to Overcome This: 👍

Before any interview, take the time to research the company. Understand their products, values, and recent developments. This knowledge allows you to personalise your approach, showing that you are invested in the opportunity and can contribute to their goals.

3.  Lack of Clarity in Your Tech Stack 👎

Many candidates list multiple tools and languages on their CVs without clarifying how and where they’ve used them. This lack of clarity makes it difficult for employers to gauge your depth of experience with specific technologies.

How to Overcome This: 👍

4. Failing to Demonstrate Continuous Learning 👎

In the tech industry, skills can become obsolete quickly. Employers value candidates who show a commitment to ongoing education and skill enhancement.

How to Overcome This: 👍

Include any relevant certifications, personal projects or online courses that prove your commitment to learning. This could be anything from completing a coding boot camp to contributing to open-source projects. 

5. Applying to Roles Without Relevant Experience or Qualifications 👎

Many candidates apply to roles without fully meeting the requirements, thinking they can learn on the job. While enthusiasm is important, this approach can lead to frustration for both candidates and employers.

How to Overcome This: 👍

Want help navigating your tech job search? At Oho, we connect you with the right opportunities and provide guidance to help you stand out in this competitive field. Let’s talk! 

By being mindful of these common pitfalls and taking proactive steps to address them, you’ll position yourself as a compelling candidate in the tech job market. 

Oho Group ltd.
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